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CafeMom Tickers

Friday, September 23, 2011


Jake picked me up from rs. work because he had a surprise for me. When I opened the door, he had a bouquet of flowers on the seat and drove me up the mountains. We made it to the top just in time to pour mimosas and watch the sun set! This was the night we talked about the depth of our feelings and he asked me to move to California with him. It was so romantic, I didn't want the night to end. We ended up staying and watching the stars for hours.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It was the weirdest thing... I had a dream that Jake sent me flowers and then the next day at work, he actually did! SOOOOO sweet!! I love him!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Someone trusted me enough with a gun to teach me how to shoot it! I got pretty good :)

The picture Jake took when he and Paul went for a walk up the mountain while Natalie and I talked by the fire. We'd been drinking so I felt a little brave... well, I yelled, "I love Jake Wentz!" Apparently, Jake & Paul weren't too far and they'd heard me... that was when Jake found out! haha.

Natalie & Paul

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our first date

Blowing up our hot air balloon!!

Jake & Paul holding the sides open for the hot air to blow it up

This is Natalie. She is married to Paul (who's birthday it was to inspire the hot air balloon ride). Jake, Paul, and Natalie came into The Garage all the time after the boys got off work to have a drink and some dinner... that's how we all met.